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What a building plot should be

How to choose the right building plot?

Choosing a plot of land is an initial and important part of planning the construction of a house.

How to choose the right plot of land ? How not to make a mistake ?

There are 4 strategies for finding and selecting a building plot:

I already have

The simplest – we already have a plot of land because we inherited it, brought it in as dowry or bought it years ago.

Dream home

We start with our needs and financial possibilities , what we expect and what kind of house we would like, what kind of house we can afford. We choose a solution and then look for the right place to build it.

My place

We first look for a place and an area where we would like to live. We check and search the neighborhoods that are attractive to us by walking, biking, scooter or scooter. We ask friends or use the services of professional agencies, and when we find “our place on earth” only then do we choose a house that fits the local regulations, location and ground conditions of the area. Remember that a plot of land in a wetland area may not allow you to have a basement and, building a house in the mountains, you may never get permission for the flat roof you have dreamed of all your life.

Looking for opportunities

We set minimum boundary conditions and look for the most attractive offers for ourselves. This can be done through brokerage agencies, portals, referrals, whisper marketing, direct marketing – for example, through advertisements spread on power poles, local stores or bus stops.

What to pay attention to when choosing a plot of land

Legal situation of the plot

The land registry will hint quite a bit about ownership, records of easements, rights of first refusal or encumbrance by a possible mortgage. In addition, Factory House recommends reaching for the local zoning plan and land and building records. Don’t take the sellers’ word for it, don’t trust your grandmother’s memory or the assurances of your uncle transferring the land to us because it may turn out that we will build a house on land with legal defects. Also check with the municipality to see if there is any onerous investment planned in the area and what the Development Conditions may be on the land.


The complete lack of supply of utilities to the plot does not always exclude the possibility of construction, but it will certainly make it much more expensive. While a well or an ecological septic tank can be dug for oneself, the supply of energy – at a minimum electricity – can be difficult. When planning heating systems, it is sometimes worth changing the source of heating than to pull the gas 300 meters, because the cost of such a connection may exceed the value of the plot. An armed plot or an armed close neighbor will avoid additional costs and problems in completing the documentation necessary to obtain a building permit.

The ground is the right condition of the land

Mining damage, waterlogged peat, silt will not provide the right stability for your house.

The best soil is hard-plastic soil because it can be easily compacted, and the house sited on it will settle evenly. It is also important whether we will not put the house on a former landfill, how high the groundwater level is and whether the plot is not flooded in spring or autumn. The optimal solution, in addition to our attentiveness, is a neighborhood interview and a

drilling of the plot by a geologist and issuing a geotechnical opinion by him.

Weak soil does not invalidate the usefulness of the plot, but knowing about it at the time of designing will avoid unforeseen expenses and unnecessary frustrations. By planting the right kind of plants or deciding on an additional pond, a waterlogged area can turn out to be attractive.

Plot size, distances from neighbors

Tight housing may not suit everyone’s preferences and sense of freedom. A large plot of land gives freedom to shape the living area. We can build a sprawling single-story house on it, as well as additional sheds, garages, a swimming pool and other

garden architectural objects. There are also downsides. A large garden requires more work and mowing the grass will take an entire Saturday afternoon. The plot of land should be adequate to our activity, financial possibilities, needs and, of course, the design of the house.

With tight housing or small plots, it is important to choose the right design. We are often asked about designs for a narrow plot and whether a particular house will be able to “fit” into the square size we have, according to the regulations. Factory House is happy to help with this if you provide us with a map for design purposes.

Individual projects

You have not found a ready solution for yourself …. nothing lost.

In the presented projects you can make adaptations and necessary changes.

It is not always worth it, therefore, we can also design for you a dream house from scratch (taking into account the needs of your family, land conditions and local development conditions).

If you already have a finished project from another company – we are able to price its construction if we get the right materials.

Feel free to contact us: office@housefromfactory.com

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Technologia tradycyjna – murowana




Technologie Prefabrykacji

Pod tą nazwą kryją się wszystkie technologie  budowy, w których gotowe ściany i duże elementy budowlane wytwarza się  w fabryce, poza miejscem budowy. 

Podstawowa cześć procesu budowy zaczyna się w fabryce. Wszystkie duże elementy takie jak ściany, dachy, schody czy stropy przygotowywane są w zakładach produkcyjnych metodami przemysłowymi.

Obecnie technologia prefabrykacji jest coraz bardziej zaawansowane i pozwala na wysoki poziom dokładności jakości i unikaniu typowych błędów.



576 156 777

Standard+ Package

The house is made of prefabricated timber frame technology.

This range that is most often ordered. We make it for developers and individual customers.

The offer assumes the manufacture and installation of the elements, which will be produced in the manufacturing plant, along with the protection of the roof from precipitation.

Such a scope allows for a very short installation – the whole house about 3 – 5 days – and thus a reduction in costs.

Only typical construction, installation and finishing works will remain to be done.

The Standard+ Package is an expanded standard package with 7 additional elements

The Standard+ Package is the construction of your Z500 Collection home from shovel driven to exterior finish. The package price does not include installation and interior finishing.

What does the package include?

Exterior walls


Roof construction


What does the package additionally include?

Standard Package

The house is made of prefabricated timber frame technology.

This range that is most often ordered. We make it for developers and individual customers.

The offer assumes the manufacture and installation of the elements, which will be produced in the manufacturing plant, along with the protection of the roof from precipitation.

Such a scope allows for a very short installation – the whole house about 3 – 5 days – and thus a reduction in costs.

Only typical construction, installation and finishing works will remain to be done.

What does the package include?

Exterior walls


Roof construction


In addition, we provide

Basic Package

This is a basic program to get started. It allows investors to start construction and then with their own labor or local teams continue it. It’s not quite as popular still today in Eastern Europe, but it resembles it a bit. The Basic (mini) package gives you the huge advantage of professionally assembling the timber frame that makes up the structure of our house within 2 days.

What does the package include?

Exterior walls


Roof construction