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Zanim zamówisz warto przeczytać, jak wygląda cały proces budowy

1. Check whether the plot is suitable for construction

Verification of the possibility of development of the plot:

The land may be covered by the municipality’s zoning plan – if there is such a plan from it you will find out what the plot’s purpose is, what can be built on it and what restrictions there may be on it. If the plot is not covered by a zoning plan – to find out if and what you will be able to build on it, you should apply to the relevant municipality office for the issuance of Development Conditions.

The Development Conditions are obtained by a decision of the mayor of the municipality. As a potential buyer, it is worthwhile to check the plot and apply for Development Conditions (WZ).

Anyone can apply for such an application – you do not have to be the owner of the property. The municipal authority will issue a decision if your investment meets all of the following conditions:

You have a neighbor – that is, at least there is one adjacent and legally developed plot of land.

You have access – the plot has access to a public road,

You have access to utilities: it may be yet to be designed or there is development of the plot and it must be sufficient for the planned investment ( you can not supply the house with water supply if it does not exist and is not planned, but if in the application you declare the construction of a well there should be no problem with obtaining conditions)

You have a building plot – the plot does not require permission for change of use from agricultural or forest land to be used for other purposes or subject to other regulations, such as environmental protection

In the Conditions of Development you will get a lot of important information about the possible investment: what is the permitted building line, what should be the area of development in relation to the plot area, the permitted width of the front elevation, the height of the cornice, the height of the roof ridge, the shape of the roof, the angle of inclination and others sometimes determined by the authority issuing the WZ.

Additional details can be found here:


2. Choose the right house and design to fit your lot

When choosing a house pay attention to the functionality you need. Consider all the pros and cons.

Below is a set of guiding questions to help you choose the right house and design for you:

One-story or two-story?

In what budget should I fit.

What does our family look like, how many bedrooms and bathrooms do I need?

Does it definitely need a garage or will a much cheaper shed suffice?

I dream of a basement, but will the ground conditions allow me to build it and what will be the cost of its construction ?

Who will live with me in the perspective of 5-10-15 years ?

What will I heat the building with ?

Will I work remotely ? Do I need an additional room for work, for hobbies?

When the decisions about your needs are specified – you can deal with the selection of the project/home.

If the plot, our expectations are specific, you can make modifications to the design or have us prepare a custom design. The cheapest option is to choose a ready-made model that fits the plot or minor adjustments on our already developed and priced houses. The advantage of working with DOM Z FABRYKI is that you can see what your house will look like. The most important advantage of working with us is that you won’t have to deal with logistics, gathering materials, selecting subcontractors in return you will know the exact date and actual cost of construction at the very beginning of the process.

3. Building permit

The next and important step is to obtain a building permit or obtain a permit through notification. In order to obtain it you apply to the county district office or city hall, depending on the location of the plot.

The legislator allows both forms, but we recommend, in the case of construction of a year-round house, to obtain a building permit.

Differences between a building permit and a construction notification

First is the waiting time for a decision. A notification allows you to start construction after 21 days, as the relevant county office has only 21 days to raise any objections. In the case of a building permit, the deadline is 65 days. In practice, investors rarely use the notification procedure. Data from 2023 shows that 98% choose the traditional form. With a notification there is a risk that the designer’s findings as to the area of influence of the object may be challenged. And then it significantly prolongs the entire procedure. In addition, in the case of construction loans – banks prefer the standard form of a building permit, and in the case of a notification it is much more difficult to approve significant changes to the project.

When the building permit decision becomes final or the deadline for objections to the notification has passed, we collect 1 stamped copy of the construction project and a stamped construction log for the construction manager.

4. Selection of the construction manager

We recommend choosing an experienced construction manager. He will take care of our interests and make sure that the process and documentation of the construction proceeds properly.

The manager, after receiving the Construction Log, on our behalf, submits to the Building Supervision a notice of the start of construction.

The notice shall be accompanied by the following information:

-a statement on the acceptance of the duties of the Construction Manager and on the preparation of a safety and health plan,

– information on the planned dates of commencement and completion of works

– the number of workers on site at particular times

– data on occupational safety and health protection

5. Construction

Any construction can begin only after the filing of a notice of commencement of construction and begins with preparatory work on the site.

In order to begin construction, it is necessary to mark out by an authorized surveyor the place where the building is set ( foundations) and the laying of connections. At this time you can start leveling the site, secure its area with a fence and set up the objects necessary for its operation ( machinery, toilets, etc.).

Every house begins with a foundation, which is selected accordingly depending on the ground conditions. We recommend a foundation slab. At this point, the Factory House arrives at the construction site, and according to the schedule determined with the Construction Manager, we carry out the various stages we have agreed on. Prefabrication of elements in the factory significantly reduces construction time, but most importantly avoids many assembly errors during the construction itself.

It happens that after the start of construction, the investor wants to change something in the project. Not all changes at this stage are possible, and any such change should be agreed with the contractor and architect. We encourage you to “do your homework” in the planning process, as not changing disrupts deadlines and is usually much more costly. In the case of prefabrication, it is also worthwhile to provide for light points and distribution of equipment, as the wall can be anticipated and taken into account in the manufacturing and installation process instead of destroying the walls later.

If the change is insignificant, the architect will include an appropriate description of it in the design, along with a drawing. However, if he considers such a change to be significant, he should draw up a replacement design, with which the investor will be obliged to go to the office for a decision amending the building permit (when he builds with a permit) or apply for a building permit (when the building is erected by notification).

6. Completion of construction

After our activities (strictly construction) are completed, it’s time for finishing works. They occupy We as a Factory House do not deal with this. We perform only those works in which we are exceptional. For such work, we recommend local companies that we have checked, which specialize in interior finishing and which will perform the task reliably and comprehensively. Any investor, if he has a good experience or recommendations, can of course use his own resources and engage companies he knows. We encourage you to establish the scope of work, the deadline and the cost in the contract, as this will be the basis for the recognition of any warranty and guarantee for the service performed.

The formal completion of the project is the Notice of Completion of Construction

The Notice of Completion of Construction is filed with the locally competent construction supervisor. What documents are necessary for this:

-a construction logbook kept by the Construction Manager with an entry on the notification of the object for acceptance

-construction manager’s statement about the compliance of the object with the project and regulations, and about bringing the construction site to a proper state and tidiness

surveying documentation with as-built inventory

-confirmations of acceptance of completed connections by suppliers or network managers of individual networks.

Construction Supervision has 14 days from the filing of the notice the authority to issue a decision on objection, if it does not do so, it means that it approves the use of your house built.

Congratulations – you have gone through the entire construction of your own house with Factory House in 5 minutes.

If you have questions feel free to contact us: biuro@domzfabryki.eu

Individual projects

You have not found a ready solution for yourself …. nothing lost.

In the presented projects you can make adaptations and necessary changes.

It is not always worth it, therefore, we can also design for you a dream house from scratch (taking into account the needs of your family, land conditions and local development conditions).

If you already have a finished project from another company – we are able to price its construction if we get the right materials.

Feel free to contact us: office@housefromfactory.com

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Technologia tradycyjna – murowana




Technologie Prefabrykacji

Pod tą nazwą kryją się wszystkie technologie  budowy, w których gotowe ściany i duże elementy budowlane wytwarza się  w fabryce, poza miejscem budowy. 

Podstawowa cześć procesu budowy zaczyna się w fabryce. Wszystkie duże elementy takie jak ściany, dachy, schody czy stropy przygotowywane są w zakładach produkcyjnych metodami przemysłowymi.

Obecnie technologia prefabrykacji jest coraz bardziej zaawansowane i pozwala na wysoki poziom dokładności jakości i unikaniu typowych błędów.



Standard+ Package

The house is made of prefabricated timber frame technology.

This range that is most often ordered. We make it for developers and individual customers.

The offer assumes the manufacture and installation of the elements, which will be produced in the manufacturing plant, along with the protection of the roof from precipitation.

Such a scope allows for a very short installation – the whole house about 3 – 5 days – and thus a reduction in costs.

Only typical construction, installation and finishing works will remain to be done.

The Standard+ Package is an expanded standard package with 7 additional elements

The Standard+ Package is the construction of your Z500 Collection home from shovel driven to exterior finish. The package price does not include installation and interior finishing.

What does the package include?

Exterior walls


Roof construction


What does the package additionally include?

Standard Package

The house is made of prefabricated timber frame technology.

This range that is most often ordered. We make it for developers and individual customers.

The offer assumes the manufacture and installation of the elements, which will be produced in the manufacturing plant, along with the protection of the roof from precipitation.

Such a scope allows for a very short installation – the whole house about 3 – 5 days – and thus a reduction in costs.

Only typical construction, installation and finishing works will remain to be done.

What does the package include?

Exterior walls


Roof construction


In addition, we provide

Basic Package

This is a basic program to get started. It allows investors to start construction and then with their own labor or local teams continue it. It’s not quite as popular still today in Eastern Europe, but it resembles it a bit. The Basic (mini) package gives you the huge advantage of professionally assembling the timber frame that makes up the structure of our house within 2 days.

What does the package include?

Exterior walls


Roof construction